Monday, May 22, 2017

Missy's First Birthday Party - A Blush & Rose Gold Affair

Good afternoon, Loves!
I hope you each are having a darling weekend.

I had been waiting to write this post until I have received all of the photos from everyone who attended, but it looks like I have all I'll be able to get for right now, so I'm just going to work with what I have.

As some of you know, I live in PA and my parents live in FL (where I grew up for several years of my life), and we were planning on having my daughter's first birthday party there, which can be tricky at best to plan from several states away. I had envisioned something a little more classy and put together, but life is life, and the truth of the matter is, the baby is only one and doesn't really care what it looked like as long as we all had fun, and we did. So the party was a huge success. :)

Our FL trip, by the way, was quite the happening. My husband's foreman from a previous job is Amish, and he and his family were vacationing in Sarasota, FL and needed someone to drive them and their large 15-passenger van (because Amish people don't drive, remember?) from here in PA to there, so he asked my husband, and we all got the privilege of going along. Free family vacation for us! We still had to make sure we could cover the bills with that much time off work, but the gas to and from was free. So you see, I had a very short time to throw a birthday party together. Lol.

We had planned one having her party the very next day of our arrival, Sunday, which was Mother's Day as well as the day of her dedication to God

(I will add more photos of her dedication if I can get someone at the church to send me some, but here are a few I took of her with my mom afterwards...), 

but we ended up just having a nice Mother's Day with my parents and resting from our trip that day, and planning on having her party the following Sunday.

In between the one Sunday and the next, we hung out with my siblings, went boating on Lake Alto, "kidnapped" one of my aunts and took her to dinner, visited a ministry in Bradenton, FL, went to St. Augustine Beach, went to a family reunion at Hart Springs, and caught a cold. Lol. We were still recovering from all of that running around and from our sore throats when I sang in the choir last minute as well as sang a solo in church, then put on the birthday party after the service. Whew. So you can imagine why it wasn't quite as meticulously prepared, but that's ok. I feel like we made wise choices with our time while we were there.

The party colors were Blush & Rose Gold, and the theme was A Teddy Bear Tea Party. We don't have as many photos as I wish we did because I was kind of busy making food, but here is what we have.

Melissa wore a rose gold tiara that I found at Icing and a ruffled outfit I picked up at Burlington Coat Factory, and Chari wore a coodinating dress that I got on clearance at Target several months back. My dress I got on sale/clearance (I don't remember which) from David's Bridal.

The cakes stands (which I haven't managed to find another picture of except for the one below, with the waffle on it), napkins, balloon sign, foil letters, rose gold flower string lights and pinwheels I found in the dollar section at Target.

I found a mini waffle maker at Marshall's and thought it was so adorable that I had to have it. Instead of giving my daughter a sugar-filled first cake, I made her and Chari lowcarb sugarfree mini waffles, with whipping cream that I hand-whipped and sweetened with stevia, and topped with fresh Florida strawberries. Trust me, she won't be missing out on anything but cavities and diabetes.

She clapped for herself when we sang Happy Birthday. Lol.

The geometric candle holder (on the table in the photo featuring the balloon sign) is also from Marshall's, and the mini copper mugs are what I had the girls use as teacups because they can't break them. :)

My gift to the girls was matching satin kimonos (so practical, right? lol) that were on sale at

I just couldn't get over the fact that they had itty bitty kimonos, and Chari has already asked to wear one of mine on several occasions, and the only thing better than her having one is her AND Missy having one.

They have several color options, and I probably could have coordinated the color to match the party very easily, but I went with the color I did because I know it will hide dirt or stains easier than a blush color would have, and lets face it these are toddlers who are going to wear them. Lol.

All in all, I think we had a great time.
A special thanks to my mom & dad who helped me throw all of this together on a whim right after church. ♡
I hope you enjoyed seeing the photos I was able to scrounge up.
If I receive any more, I'll add them to this post and put a heads up on my IG.
Happy weekend!


The Brunette

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