Monday, November 1, 2021

A Construction Themed Birthday Party

Yes, he is blowing out a fall-scented candle instead of birthday candles, 
because we didn't even do a birthday cake.
Instead, we did dirt pudding, and we served it in- wait for it- a toy dump truck!
(Two new ones, lined with tin foil)

It was a chilly October day and it was misting rain, so we had my brother-in-law...
... draw us some epic roads with chalk on the concrete floor, and the kids played with a bunch of mini construction vehicles while I got the last few things set on the table. 

Speaking of table...

Yeah no food, just desserts and drink.
That's the beauty of having a party soon after lunch time and having a small enough group where you can tell them you're just serving dessert and you're not viewed as rude 😁.

After we sang Happy Birthday we had the kids all posed for a photo...

(Some of the children's faces have been concealed to protect their identity as they are currently in foster care)

... and then we handed out their goody bags and let Happy open his presents.
Grandma made good use of one of his gifts right away and read the children a story...

... and she even managed to put the baby to sleep (it was his nap time) even though it was really loud. 😳
Yay Grandma! 🙌

This was a construction cone that was actually on hand at my husband's work shop, and we had added it to the decor for extra flair, but his youngest brother decided it needed to be a hat. 🤣

The kids got construction-themed stickers, slap bracelets, mini measuring tapes and some sugar-free lollipops in their goody bags (some of the children in the group are diabetic).

The cuteness is strong with this one! 😍

All in all we think it was a success!

He applauded it so its a win in my book. 😉 

You can shop all of the party decor and gifts that are still available below. 👇

Did this inspire YOU to throw a construction-themed birthday party for YOUR child?

Let me know in the comments, and be sure to mention any fun decor or activity ideas that I missed!