Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What I Got For Valentine's Day

Hey everyone, I hope y'all are having a great week and everyone is staying healthy. This coronavirus stuff is freakin scary, huh? 
The weird thing is I've done some research, and evidently it shouldn't be as dangerous as it is.... As in, high dosages of vitamin C and zinc have proven to knock it out. The major threat is to the elderly and very little (newborns) and those with lowered immune systems... But the fact that it is spreading like wildfire even among relatively healthy people is just proving how awful people's hygiene habits are. Ewww. Anyway, I had to mention it. I mean, if you don't mention coronavirus these days, are you even on the same planet? πŸ˜‚ But enough of that.

This post is by special request from many of y'all, so at long last here goes. I know it's late, but y'all requested it after Valentine's Day, so I can only assume that y'all want to know for sheer curiosity's sake, or maybe birthday gift ideas... But probably the former. Haha. Hey it's all good, I love sharing what y'all like to see! 

This year Mark was gone for Valentine's Day, so we didn't celebrate on the specific day... We kinda just celebrated all week. πŸ˜†
Of course being a fashion/lifestyle blogger, I picked up a couple items to feature, like mugs, earrings, and some Valentine's Day themed outfits to try on. 

But aside from that, Mark also got me...
▪ Red roses (so cliche, I know, but I love them! 😍)
▪ Chocolate
▪ A pair of stuffed sloths (I am super into them lately πŸ˜‚)
▪ A set of opal jewelry
▪ Some rosΓ©

... and the most expensive item (don't laugh), a small vacuum for our upstairs! I was so sick and tired of lugging my bigger one up and down the stairs. Believe it or not, that was my favorite gift. Haha.

Mark and Wesley model his new shirt 😍

And I got him...
▪ A truck T-shirt
▪ Macadamia nut chocolate
▪ Turkish delight πŸ’•

I've added as many of the items as I can, and several similar- below for your browsing pleasure. Thanks so much for requesting this post! 
Xo, The Brunette πŸ’‹

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