Monday, January 22, 2018

Welcome Brian James - "Jimmy"

Hello my beautiful people!
I hope you're having a good winter.
We certainly are!
We are just soaking up all of the best newborn snuggles over here!

Please join us as we celebrate the arrival of our little Brian James, (or "Jimmy" as we have chosen to call him in honor of my Papa who passed away while I was pregnant), born at home on January 22nd at 5:04 pm, weighing 7 pounds and 4 ounces and measuring 19 and 3/4 inches long.

As a matter of fact, I've been so "out" of my social media mood that I haven't shared one thing other than baby spam. #notsorry

Jimmy getting weighed by the midwife.

I'm just not really feeling very creative for much else, and I don't think that's a bad thing. So while we take it nice and slow and adjust to life as a family of five (oh my gosh, how did that happen so fast...?) I wanted to share some of our precious memories we've been making.

Jimmy's first bath, given to him by my mom.

I've been working on getting all of my photos uploaded to an online site, mostly because I have way too many on my phone (which is also the only camera I own), but also because its easier to share them with friends and family that way.

Newborn snuggles are my absolute favorite. ♡

Over the last 24 hours I created a new album for Jimmy. Its still very much a work in progress- I barely got the photos in order, and I have yet to add captions to them, but I wanted to go ahead and share the album because we have lots of long distance friends and family.

Getting to know our new baby.

Anyway, you can find all of Jimmy's photos on our shutterfly album titled "Brian James". 
I will be updating his album regularly with his milestone pictures as well as cute snapshots in between.

Blessings to each of you.
XO, The Brunette

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